Become Your Biggest Advocate

If you aren’t your biggest advocate, who will be?

You should always be your biggest advocate…your biggest supporter…your biggest fan. If you don’t believe in your Self enough to be your biggest advocate, how can you expect anyone else to?  

The confidence required to be your biggest advocate and fan doesn’t require you to be an egomaniac. In fact, that confidence is best kept within as it will naturally show up to the outside world in how you carry your Self, communicate, and in the energy you put out. There will be times for your self-confidence to show up in self-promotion, but the majority of the time, that confidence lives within. 

You can be your biggest advocate without always talking about your Self and bringing attention to YOU.

If you are struggling to find confidence in your Self, it might mean a couple of things:

First, there might be some trauma in your life that has not been healed that prevents you from believing in the greatness inside of you. Years of being told you’re not good enough, or similar trauma, does not go away overnight. Working through trauma is never easy, but it is worth it, and not only will you be better off doing so, but so will the world because once you become your biggest advocate, you’ll find more opportunities to share your gifts with the world, which we need!

Secondly, your lack of confidence might be a sign that you haven’t stepped into your greatest talents yet…you aren’t walking in your authentic life, the version of your Self that you were created to be. When you find your “thing”, whatever it might be, confidence comes naturally because you know you are doing what no one else can do better than you, and it usually happens to be something that you enjoy–a passion.

I’m sure there are other reasons that might be impacting your self-confidence and preventing you from being your biggest advocate, but trauma and not walking in your authentic life are the most common barriers I see. It’s important to identify the root of the block of your self-confidence and address it so you can be proud of who YOU are–again, this is more of an internal feeling and belief than constantly signaling to the world to look at you.

When you become your biggest advocate, opportunities tend to find their way to you because you are quietly signaling to the Universe that you are one of the few individuals to serve others in a way that only you can. As your biggest advocate, you’re also willing to speak up and bring attention to your Self when necessary–it happens naturally and is received by others because it is genuine and authentic, the opposite of the egotistical efforts we see so often.

Now, work through your trauma, find your “thing”, and become your biggest advocate so you can confidently bring your gift(s) to the world as no one else can.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Keep Pursuing


You Don’t Know Your Impact