The World Is Your Mirror

The world is your mirror. 

The people in your life are a reflection of YOU, which is why it is important to remember when you are mad at, frustrated with, or just flat out don’t like someone else it is not because of who that other person is or what they did to you. It’s because you see something about yourself in that person that you don’t like.

Maybe they aren’t sensitive to the feelings of others. Maybe they are stubborn. Or maybe they are selfish–triggering feelings about characteristics you don’t like about yourself.

Maybe they aren’t afraid to take risks. Maybe they are kind. Or maybe they work hard and see the results of their hard work–triggering feelings about characteristics you don’t exhibit but wish you did.

Of course, there are situations where another person actually harms you, a family member, or  friend that creates the negative feelings–that is not what I’m referring to today.

You have these feelings because there is something about the other person, like a character trait, or their actions that remind you of something about yourself that you do not like. The reflection of YOU in the other person is what creates the negative feelings about them. 

Understanding this can help you identify areas within your Self that need your attention and can be areas of focus for your self work. You can use the emotions the other person triggers to reflect and understand why you felt that way and begin to look inward to identify where that shows up for you.

You can also use this knowledge to free yourself from being upset or bothered when someone else gets mad or frustrated with you or you are the target of bullying or being picked on (both online and in person). The person targeting you sees something about themself in you, as you act as their mirror, that upsets them and they take that it out on you. 

If used properly, seeing reflections of YOU in the people who come into your life can help you become a better version of your Self and also spend less time being bothered by the opinions of others about you.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



You Have To Believe It First


Penny And Sherman